This vignette gathers the examples used in the rbiips reference manual.


Add custom functions and distributions to BUGS language

Add custom function f

f_dim <- function(x_dim, t_dim) {
  # Check dimensions of the input and return dimension of the output of function f
  stopifnot(prod(x_dim) == 1, prod(t_dim) == 1)
f_eval <- function(x, t) {
  # Evaluate function f
  0.5 * x + 25 * x/(1 + x^2) + 8 * cos(1.2 * t)
biips_add_function('f', 2, f_dim, f_eval)
## * Added function f

Add custom sampling distribution dMN

dMN_dim <- function(mu_dim, Sig_dim) {
  # Check dimensions of the input and return dimension of the output of
  # distribution dMN
  stopifnot(prod(mu_dim) == mu_dim[1], length(Sig_dim) == 2, mu_dim[1] == Sig_dim)
dMN_sample <- function(mu, Sig) {
  # Draw a sample of distribution dMN
  mu + t(chol(Sig)) %*% rnorm(length(mu))
biips_add_distribution('dMN', 2, dMN_dim, dMN_sample)
## * Added distribution dMN

Compile model

modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm_f.bug', package = 'rbiips')
stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0)
cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')
## var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax]
## data
## {
##   x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c_true[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x_true[t] ~ dnorm(f(x_true[t-1], t-1), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true))
##   }
## }
## model
## {
##   logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3)
##   x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x[t] ~ dnorm(f(x[t-1], t-1), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau))
##   }
## }
data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1), logtau = log(1))
model <- biips_model(modelfile, data, sample_data = TRUE)
## * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/rbiips/extdata/hmm_f.bug
## * Compiling data graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 94
##   Sampling data
##   Reading data back into data table
## * Compiling model graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 105
# rm(model)
# tmax <- 10
# p <- c(.5, .5)
# logtau_true <- log(1)
# logtau <- logtau_true
# datanames <- c('tmax', 'p', 'logtau_true', 'logtau')
# model <- biips_model(modelfile, datanames, sample_data = TRUE)

## [1] TRUE
## Biips model:
## var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax]
## data
## {
##   x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c_true[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x_true[t] ~ dnorm(f(x_true[t-1], t-1), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true))
##   }
## }
## model
## {
##   logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3)
##   x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x[t] ~ dnorm(f(x[t-1], t-1), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau))
##   }
## }
## Fully observed variables:
##  logtau logtau_true p tmax x_true y 
## Partially observed variables:
##  c_true
## $c_true
##  [1] NA  1  1  2  1  1  1  2  1  2
## $logtau
## [1] 0
## $logtau_true
## [1] 0
## $p
## [1] 0.5 0.5
## $tmax
## [1] 10
## $x_true
##  [1] -0.4169979 -9.0124859 -8.5502201 -9.0831363 -8.5299593  5.7598874
##  [7] 16.8533731  2.4722914  5.1386416 -1.2379888
## $y
##  [1] -1.0915320 -2.8456504 -2.9185889 -1.7675427 -1.9918904  0.2540241
##  [7]  3.4715740  0.5880222  1.0806876  0.1869324
## [1] "c"           "c_true"      "logtau"      "logtau_true" "p"          
## [6] "tmax"        "x"           "x_true"      "y"
## [1] "c"           "c_true"      "logtau"      "logtau_true" "p"          
## [6] "tmax"        "x"           "x_true"      "y"
##      id                                name  type observed discrete
## 1     0                           c_true[2] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 2     1                           c_true[3] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 3     2                           c_true[4] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 4     3                           c_true[5] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 5     4                           c_true[6] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 6     5                           c_true[7] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 7     6                           c_true[8] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 8     7                           c_true[9] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 9     8                          c_true[10] const     TRUE     TRUE
## 10    9                         logtau_true const     TRUE     TRUE
## 11   10                                   p const     TRUE    FALSE
## 12   11                                tmax const     TRUE     TRUE
## 13   12                              x_true const     TRUE    FALSE
## 14   13                                   3 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 15   14                                (-3) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 16   15                              logtau stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 17   21                       (exp(logtau)) logic     TRUE    FALSE
## 18   16                                   0 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 19   17                                   1 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 20   38                               (3-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 21   18                                   5 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 22   19                               (1/5) logic     TRUE    FALSE
## 23   54                               (5-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 24   20                                x[1] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 25   22                                y[1] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 26   23                                c[2] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 27   27                           (c[2]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 28   24                                   2 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 29   25                               (2-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 30   26                     (f(x[1],(2-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 31   28                                  10 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 32   29                              (1/10) logic     TRUE    FALSE
## 33   98                              (10-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 34   30                                 100 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 35   31                             (1/100) logic     TRUE    FALSE
## 36   32  (ifelse((c[2]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 37   33                                x[2] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 38   39                     (f(x[2],(3-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 39   34                                   4 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 40   35                            (x[2]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 41   36                                y[2] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 42   46                               (4-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 43   37                                c[3] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 44   40                           (c[3]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 45   41  (ifelse((c[3]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 46   42                                x[3] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 47   43                            (x[3]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 48   44                                y[3] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 49   47                     (f(x[3],(4-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 50   45                                c[4] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 51   48                           (c[4]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 52   49  (ifelse((c[4]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 53   50                                x[4] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 54   51                            (x[4]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 55   52                                y[4] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 56   55                     (f(x[4],(5-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 57   53                                c[5] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 58   56                           (c[5]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 59   57  (ifelse((c[5]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 60   58                                x[5] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 61   59                            (x[5]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 62   60                                y[5] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 63   61                                c[6] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 64   65                           (c[6]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 65   66  (ifelse((c[6]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 66   62                                   6 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 67   63                               (6-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 68   64                     (f(x[5],(6-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 69   67                                x[6] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 70   68                            (x[6]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 71   69                                y[6] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 72   70                                c[7] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 73   74                           (c[7]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 74   75  (ifelse((c[7]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 75   71                                   7 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 76   72                               (7-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 77   73                     (f(x[6],(7-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 78   76                                x[7] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 79   77                            (x[7]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 80   78                                y[7] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 81   79                                c[8] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 82   83                           (c[8]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 83   84  (ifelse((c[8]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 84   80                                   8 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 85   81                               (8-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 86   82                     (f(x[7],(8-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 87   85                                x[8] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 88   86                            (x[8]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 89   87                                y[8] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 90   88                                c[9] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 91   92                           (c[9]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 92   93  (ifelse((c[9]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 93   89                                   9 const     TRUE     TRUE
## 94   90                               (9-1) logic     TRUE     TRUE
## 95   91                     (f(x[8],(9-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 96   94                                x[9] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 97   95                            (x[9]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 98   96                                y[9] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
## 99   99                    (f(x[9],(10-1))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 100  97                               c[10] stoch    FALSE     TRUE
## 101 100                          (c[10]==1) logic    FALSE     TRUE
## 102 101 (ifelse((c[10]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 103 102                               x[10] stoch    FALSE    FALSE
## 104 103                           (x[10]/4) logic    FALSE    FALSE
## 105 104                               y[10] stoch     TRUE    FALSE
# dotfile <- ''
# biips_print_dot(model, dotfile)
# cat(readLines(dotfile), sep = '\n')

SMC algorithm

biips_build_sampler(model, proposal = 'prior')
## * Assigning node samplers
biips_nodes(model, type = 'stoch', observed = FALSE)
##      id  name  type observed discrete iteration sampler
## 24   20  x[1] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         0   Prior
## 26   23  c[2] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         1   Prior
## 37   33  x[2] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         1   Prior
## 43   37  c[3] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         2   Prior
## 46   42  x[3] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         2   Prior
## 50   45  c[4] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         3   Prior
## 53   50  x[4] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         3   Prior
## 57   53  c[5] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         4   Prior
## 60   58  x[5] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         4   Prior
## 63   61  c[6] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         5   Prior
## 69   67  x[6] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         5   Prior
## 72   70  c[7] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         6   Prior
## 78   76  x[7] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         6   Prior
## 81   79  c[8] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         7   Prior
## 87   85  x[8] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         7   Prior
## 90   88  c[9] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         8   Prior
## 96   94  x[9] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         8   Prior
## 100  97 c[10] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         9   Prior
## 103 102 x[10] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         9   Prior
biips_build_sampler(model, proposal = 'auto')
## * Assigning node samplers
biips_nodes(model, type = 'stoch', observed = FALSE)
##      id  name  type observed discrete iteration
## 24   20  x[1] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         0
## 26   23  c[2] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         1
## 37   33  x[2] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         1
## 43   37  c[3] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         2
## 46   42  x[3] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         2
## 50   45  c[4] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         3
## 53   50  x[4] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         3
## 57   53  c[5] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         4
## 60   58  x[5] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         4
## 63   61  c[6] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         5
## 69   67  x[6] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         5
## 72   70  c[7] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         6
## 78   76  x[7] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         6
## 81   79  c[8] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         7
## 87   85  x[8] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         7
## 90   88  c[9] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         8
## 96   94  x[9] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         8
## 100  97 c[10] stoch    FALSE     TRUE         9
## 103 102 x[10] stoch    FALSE    FALSE         9
##                                  sampler
## 24             ConjugateNormal_knownPrec
## 26                                 Prior
## 37  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 43                                 Prior
## 46  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 50                                 Prior
## 53  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 57                                 Prior
## 60  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 63                                 Prior
## 69  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 72                                 Prior
## 78  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 81                                 Prior
## 87  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 90                                 Prior
## 96  ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
## 100                                Prior
## 103 ConjugateNormal_knownPrec_linearMean
n_part <- 100
out_smc <- biips_smc_samples(model, c('x', 'c[2:10]'), n_part, type = 'fs', 
                             rs_thres = 0.5, rs_type = 'stratified')
## * Running SMC forward sampler with 100 particles
##   |--------------------------------------------------| 100%
##   |**************************************************| 10 iterations in 0.03 s

Manipulate smcarray.fsb.list object

## [1] TRUE
## [1] "c[2:10]"       "x"             "log_marg_like"
## c[2:10] filtering smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## c[2:10] smoothing smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## x filtering smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -0.8185253 -10.2517614 -12.8818052  -9.8706867  -7.6815614
##  [6]   1.0595768  13.3149162   3.7425798   2.7491513   1.8215615
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## x smoothing smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.075535  -9.946487 -11.013764  -9.784847  -7.637991   2.329093
##  [7]  13.109354   4.027466   3.708989   1.821561
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## Log-marginal likelihood:  -30.7798
## * Diagnosis of variable: c[2:10] 
##   Filtering: GOOD
##   Smoothing: POOR
##     The minimum effective sample size is too low: 27.97195 
##     Estimates may be poor for some variables.
##     You should increase the number of particles
## .* Diagnosis of variable: x[1:10] 
##   Filtering: GOOD
##   Smoothing: POOR
##     The minimum effective sample size is too low: 27.97195 
##     Estimates may be poor for some variables.
##     You should increase the number of particles
## .
## c[2:10] filtering smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## c[2:10] smoothing smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## x filtering smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -0.8185253 -10.2517614 -12.8818052  -9.8706867  -7.6815614
##  [6]   1.0595768  13.3149162   3.7425798   2.7491513   1.8215615
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## x smoothing smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.075535  -9.946487 -11.013764  -9.784847  -7.637991   2.329093
##  [7]  13.109354   4.027466   3.708989   1.821561
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)

Manipulate smcarray.fsb object

## [1] TRUE
## [1] "f" "s"
## filtering smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -0.8185253 -10.2517614 -12.8818052  -9.8706867  -7.6815614
##  [6]   1.0595768  13.3149162   3.7425798   2.7491513   1.8215615
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## smoothing smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.075535  -9.946487 -11.013764  -9.784847  -7.637991   2.329093
##  [7]  13.109354   4.027466   3.708989   1.821561
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
## * Diagnosis of variable: x[1:10] 
##   Filtering: GOOD
##   Smoothing: POOR
##     The minimum effective sample size is too low: 27.97195 
##     Estimates may be poor for some variables.
##     You should increase the number of particles
## .
summ_smc_x <- biips_summary(out_smc$x, order = 2, probs = c(.025, .975))
## filtering smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -0.8185253 -10.2517614 -12.8818052  -9.8706867  -7.6815614
##  [6]   1.0595768  13.3149162   3.7425798   2.7491513   1.8215615
## $var
##  [1]  0.8775959 10.3845628 10.0910990 12.8956952 10.4889376  9.8139604
##  [7] 11.4422620 10.0852628 12.4712790 17.8465840
## $probs
## [1] 0.025 0.975
## $quant
## $quant$`0.025`
##  [1]  -2.866675 -15.788782 -19.256900 -15.502403 -12.487758  -5.176027
##  [7]   6.445461  -2.852484  -6.067787  -8.844806
## $quant$`0.975`
##  [1]  0.7994907 -5.8594096 -7.1421828 -2.1920464  0.6055832  6.3867482
##  [7] 21.9042089  9.6784921  9.6400095  8.5410838
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## smoothing smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.075535  -9.946487 -11.013764  -9.784847  -7.637991   2.329093
##  [7]  13.109354   4.027466   3.708989   1.821561
## $var
##  [1]  0.4346656 12.3371170 10.0835960 12.5825530  8.4151323  4.6000299
##  [7] 11.5865528  6.5097952 10.3312927 17.8465840
## $probs
## [1] 0.025 0.975
## $quant
## $quant$`0.025`
##  [1]  -2.6896954 -15.3198851 -17.9929574 -16.4190998 -12.6144800
##  [6]  -1.0743896   9.3638397   0.1327257  -5.6650842  -8.8448065
## $quant$`0.975`
##  [1] -0.1746461 -4.0527912 -6.0713340 -2.7427490 -0.5104330  6.3790631
##  [7] 21.8172044  9.6164381 10.0119652  8.5410838
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
dens_smc_x <- biips_density(out_smc$x, bw = 'nrd0', adjust = 1, n = 100)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

## [1] TRUE
## [1] "f" "s"
## filtering smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## smoothing smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
## * Diagnosis of variable: c[2:10] 
##   Filtering: GOOD
##   Smoothing: POOR
##     The minimum effective sample size is too low: 27.97195 
##     Estimates may be poor for some variables.
##     You should increase the number of particles
## .
summ_smc_c <- biips_summary(out_smc[['c[2:10]']])
## filtering smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100) 
## smoothing smcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
table_smc_c <- biips_table(out_smc[['c[2:10]']])
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


Manipulate smcarray object

## [1] TRUE
##  [1] "values"       "weights"      "ess"          "discrete"    
##  [5] "iterations"   "conditionals" "name"         "lower"       
##  [9] "upper"        "type"
## smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -0.8185253 -10.2517614 -12.8818052  -9.8706867  -7.6815614
##  [6]   1.0595768  13.3149162   3.7425798   2.7491513   1.8215615
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
## smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.075535  -9.946487 -11.013764  -9.784847  -7.637991   2.329093
##  [7]  13.109354   4.027466   3.708989   1.821561
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
## * Diagnosis of variable: x[1:10] 
##   Filtering: GOOD
## * Diagnosis of variable: x[1:10] 
##   Smoothing: POOR
##     The minimum effective sample size is too low: 27.97195 
##     Estimates may be poor for some variables.
##     You should increase the number of particles
## .
## smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -0.8185253 -10.2517614 -12.8818052  -9.8706867  -7.6815614
##  [6]   1.0595768  13.3149162   3.7425798   2.7491513   1.8215615
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
## smcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.075535  -9.946487 -11.013764  -9.784847  -7.637991   2.329093
##  [7]  13.109354   4.027466   3.708989   1.821561
## Marginalizing over: particle(100)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(model$data()$x_true, type = 'l', col = 'green', xlab = 't', ylab = 'x[t]')
lines(summ_smc_x$f$mean, col = 'blue')
lines(summ_smc_x$s$mean, col = 'red')
matlines(matrix(unlist(summ_smc_x$f$quant), data$tmax), lty = 2, col = 'blue')
matlines(matrix(unlist(summ_smc_x$s$quant), data$tmax), lty = 2, col = 'red')
legend('topright', leg = c('true', 'SMC filtering estimate', 'SMC smoothing estimate'),
  lty = 1, col = c('green', 'blue', 'red'), bty = 'n')

barplot(.5*(model$data()$c_true==1), col = 'green', border = NA, space = 0, offset=2, 
        ylim=c(0,3), xlab='t', ylab='c[t]==1', axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at=1:data$tmax-.5, labels=1:data$tmax)
axis(2, line = 1, at=c(0,3), labels=NA)
text(data$tmax/2, 2.75, 'true')
barplot(.5*c(NA, summ_smc_c$f$mode==1), col = 'blue', border = NA, space = 0, 
        offset=1, axes = FALSE, add = TRUE)
text(data$tmax/2, 1.75, 'SMC filtering mode')
barplot(.5*c(NA, summ_smc_c$s$mode==1), col = 'red', border = NA, space = 0, 
        axes = FALSE, add = TRUE)
text(data$tmax/2, .75, 'SMC smoothing mode')

t <- 5
plot(dens_smc_x[[t]], col = c('blue','red'), ylab = 'posterior density')
points(model$data()$x_true[t], 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

plot(table_smc_c[[t-1]], col = c('blue','red'), ylab = 'posterior probability mass')
points(model$data()$c_true[t], 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

PIMH algorithm

modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm.bug', package = 'rbiips')
stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0)
cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')
## var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax]
## data
## {
##   x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c_true[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x_true[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x_true[t-1]+25*x_true[t-1]/(1+x_true[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true))
##   }
## }
## model
## {
##   logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3)
##   x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x[t-1]+25*x[t-1]/(1+x[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau))
##   }
## }
data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1), logtau = log(1))
model <- biips_model(modelfile, data)
## * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/rbiips/extdata/hmm.bug
## * Compiling data graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 169
##   Sampling data
##   Reading data back into data table
## * Compiling model graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 180
n_part <- 50
obj_pimh <- biips_pimh_init(model, c('x', 'c[2:10]'))  # Initialize
## * Initializing PIMH
## [1] TRUE
out_pimh_burn <- biips_pimh_update(obj_pimh, 100, n_part)  # Burn-in
## * Updating PIMH with 50 particles
##   |--------------------------------------------------| 100%
##   |**************************************************| 100 iterations in 0.33 s
out_pimh <- biips_pimh_samples(obj_pimh, 100, n_part)  # Samples
## * Generating PIMH samples with 50 particles
##   |--------------------------------------------------| 100%
##   |**************************************************| 100 iterations in 0.29 s

Manipulate mcmcarray.list object

## [1] TRUE
## [1] "log_marg_like" "x"             "c[2:10]"
## x mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.744318  -6.360808 -10.321973 -17.901901 -20.619587  -2.810113
##  [7]   2.725313   8.596764  -7.292871  -9.084865
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100) 
## c[2:10] mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100)
## x mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.744318  -6.360808 -10.321973 -17.901901 -20.619587  -2.810113
##  [7]   2.725313   8.596764  -7.292871  -9.084865
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100) 
## c[2:10] mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100)

Manipulate mcmcarray object

## [1] TRUE
## mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.744318  -6.360808 -10.321973 -17.901901 -20.619587  -2.810113
##  [7]   2.725313   8.596764  -7.292871  -9.084865
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100)
summ_pimh_x <- biips_summary(out_pimh$x, order = 2, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
## mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  -1.744318  -6.360808 -10.321973 -17.901901 -20.619587  -2.810113
##  [7]   2.725313   8.596764  -7.292871  -9.084865
## $var
##  [1]  0.7759045  7.5914789 11.4434933 10.9032501 12.8568713 13.4999635
##  [7]  9.7265090 13.6051737 12.4830571  8.3317342
## $probs
## [1] 0.025 0.975
## $quant
## $quant$`0.025`
##  [1]  -3.181049 -10.646213 -17.866211 -26.847726 -26.370300  -8.137910
##  [7]  -1.813076   2.640606 -14.564996 -15.282659
## $quant$`0.975`
##  [1]  -0.2613017  -0.2260500  -3.9108981 -13.7375080 -13.1618345
##  [6]   6.1863795  12.0359348  16.0097494  -2.0332459  -4.2237906
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100)
dens_pimh_x <- biips_density(out_pimh$x)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


## [1] TRUE
## mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100)
summ_pimh_c <- biips_summary(out_pimh[['c[2:10]']])
## mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
## Marginalizing over: iteration(100)
table_pimh_c <- biips_table(out_pimh[['c[2:10]']])
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(c(out_pimh_burn$log_marg_like, out_pimh$log_marg_like), type = 'l', col = 'blue',
  xlab = 'PIMH iteration', ylab = 'log p(y)')

t <- 5
plot(out_pimh$x[t, ], type = 'l', col = 'blue', xlab = 'PIMH iteration', 
     ylab = paste0('x[',t,']'))
points(0, model$data()$x_true[t], pch = 17, col = 'green')

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(model$data()$x_true, type = 'l', col = 'green', xlab = 't', ylab = 'x[t]')
lines(summ_pimh_x$mean, col = 'blue')
matlines(matrix(unlist(summ_pimh_x$quant), data$tmax), lty = 2, col = 'blue')
legend('topright', leg = c('true', 'PIMH estimate'), lty = c(2, 1), col = c('green',
  'blue'), bty = 'n')

barplot(.5*(model$data()$c_true==1), col = 'green', border = NA, space = 0, offset = 1, 
        ylim=c(0,2), xlab='t', ylab='c[t]==1', axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at=1:data$tmax-.5, labels=1:data$tmax)
axis(2, line = 1, at=c(0,2), labels=NA)
text(data$tmax/2, 1.75, 'true')
barplot(.5*c(NA, summ_pimh_c$mode==1), col = 'blue', border = NA, space = 0, axes = FALSE, add = TRUE)
text(data$tmax/2, .75, 'PIMH mode')

plot(dens_pimh_x[[t]], col='blue', main = , ylab = 'posterior density')
points(model$data()$x_true[t], 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

plot(table_pimh_c[[t-1]], col='blue', ylab = 'posterior probability mass')
points(model$data()$c_true[t], 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

SMC sensitivity analysis

modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm.bug', package = 'rbiips')
stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0)
cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')
## var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax]
## data
## {
##   x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c_true[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x_true[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x_true[t-1]+25*x_true[t-1]/(1+x_true[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true))
##   }
## }
## model
## {
##   logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3)
##   x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x[t-1]+25*x[t-1]/(1+x[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau))
##   }
## }
data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1), logtau = log(1))
model <- biips_model(modelfile, data)
## * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/rbiips/extdata/hmm.bug
## * Compiling data graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 169
##   Sampling data
##   Reading data back into data table
## * Compiling model graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 180
n_part <- 50
logtau_val <- -10:10
out_sens <- biips_smc_sensitivity(model, list(logtau = logtau_val), n_part)
## * Analyzing sensitivity with 50 particles
##   |--------------------------------------------------| 100%
##   |**************************************************| 21 iterations in 0.05 s
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(logtau_val, out_sens$log_marg_like, type = 'l', col = 'blue', 
     xlab = 'logtau', ylab = 'log p(y | logtau) ', main = 'SMC sensitivity')
points(data$logtau, min(out_sens$log_marg_like), pch = 17, col = 'green')

plot(logtau_val, out_sens$log_marg_like_pen, type = 'l', col = 'blue', 
     xlab = 'logtau', ylab = 'log p(y, logtau)')
plml <- out_sens$log_marg_like_pen
ymin <- min(plml[is.finite(plml)])
points(data$logtau, ymin, pch = 17, col = 'green')

PMMH algorithm

modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm.bug', package = 'rbiips')
stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0)
cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')
## var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax]
## data
## {
##   x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c_true[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x_true[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x_true[t-1]+25*x_true[t-1]/(1+x_true[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true))
##   }
## }
## model
## {
##   logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3)
##   x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5)
##   y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau))
##   for (t in 2:tmax)
##   {
##     c[t] ~ dcat(p)
##     x[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x[t-1]+25*x[t-1]/(1+x[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100))
##     y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau))
##   }
## }
data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1))
model <- biips_model(modelfile, data)
## * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4/rbiips/extdata/hmm.bug
## * Compiling data graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 168
##   Sampling data
##   Reading data back into data table
## * Compiling model graph
##   Declaring variables
##   Resolving undeclared variables
##   Allocating nodes
##   Graph size: 180
n_part <- 50
n_burn <- 50
n_iter <- 50
obj_pmmh <- biips_pmmh_init(model, 'logtau', latent_names = c('x', 'c[2:10]'), 
                            inits = list(logtau = -2))  # Initialize
## * Initializing PMMH
## [1] TRUE
out_pmmh_burn <- biips_pmmh_update(obj_pmmh, n_burn, n_part)  # Burn-in
## * Adapting PMMH with 50 particles
##   |--------------------------------------------------| 100%
##   |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 50 iterations in 0.27 s
out_pmmh <- biips_pmmh_samples(obj_pmmh, n_iter, n_part, thin = 1)  # Samples
## * Generating 50 PMMH samples with 50 particles
##   |--------------------------------------------------| 100%
##   |**************************************************| 50 iterations in 0.18 s

Manipulate mcmcarray.list object

## [1] TRUE
## [1] "log_marg_like_pen" "logtau"            "x"                
## [4] "c[2:10]"
## logtau mcmcarray:
## $mean
## [1] 1.367072
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50) 
## x mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  0.01569417  6.10443187  1.19944887 27.21569371 13.54589956
##  [6] 23.39552012 10.52836336  5.78124480 18.62547890 -3.32506938
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50) 
## c[2:10] mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50)
## logtau mcmcarray:
## $mean
## [1] 1.367072
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50) 
## x mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  0.01569417  6.10443187  1.19944887 27.21569371 13.54589956
##  [6] 23.39552012 10.52836336  5.78124480 18.62547890 -3.32506938
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50) 
## c[2:10] mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50)

Manipulate mcmcarray object

## [1] TRUE
## mcmcarray:
## $mean
## [1] 1.367072
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50)
summ_pmmh_lt <- biips_summary(out_pmmh$logtau, order = 2, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
dens_pmmh_lt <- biips_density(out_pmmh$logtau)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))

## [1] TRUE
## mcmcarray:
## $mean
##  [1]  0.01569417  6.10443187  1.19944887 27.21569371 13.54589956
##  [6] 23.39552012 10.52836336  5.78124480 18.62547890 -3.32506938
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50)
summ_pmmh_x <- biips_summary(out_pmmh$x, order = 2, probs = c(0.025, 0.975))
dens_pmmh_x <- biips_density(out_pmmh$x)
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


## [1] TRUE
## mcmcarray:
## $mode
## [1] 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2
## Marginalizing over: iteration(50)
summ_pmmh_c <- biips_summary(out_pmmh[['c[2:10]']])
table_pmmh_c <- biips_table(out_pmmh[['c[2:10]']])
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))


par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(c(out_pmmh_burn$log_marg_like_pen, out_pmmh$log_marg_like_pen), type = 'l',
  col = 'blue', xlab = 'PMMH iteration', ylab = 'log p(y, logtau)')

plot(out_pmmh$logtau[1, ], type = 'l', col = 'blue', 
     xlab = 'PMMH iteration', ylab = 'logtau')
points(0, model$data()$logtau_true, pch = 17, col = 'green')

plot(dens_pmmh_lt, col = 'blue', ylab = 'posterior density')
points(model$data()$logtau_true, 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

biips_hist(out_pmmh$logtau, col = 'blue', ylab = 'posterior density')
points(model$data()$logtau_true, 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
plot(model$data()$x_true, type = 'l', col = 'green', xlab = 't', ylab = 'x[t]')
lines(summ_pmmh_x$mean, col = 'blue')
matlines(matrix(unlist(summ_pmmh_x$quant), data$tmax), lty = 2, col = 'blue')
legend('topright', leg = c('true', 'PMMH estimate'), lty = c(2, 1), 
       col = c('green', 'blue'), bty = 'n')

barplot(.5*(model$data()$c_true==1), col = 'green', border = NA, space = 0, offset = 1, 
        ylim=c(0,2), xlab='t', ylab='c[t]==1', axes = FALSE)
axis(1, at=1:data$tmax-.5, labels=1:data$tmax)
axis(2, line = 1, at=c(0,2), labels=NA)
text(data$tmax/2, 1.75, 'true')
barplot(.5*c(NA, summ_pmmh_c$mode==1), col = 'blue', border = NA, space = 0, axes = FALSE, add = TRUE)
text(data$tmax/2, .75, 'PMMH mode')

t <- 5
plot(dens_pmmh_x[[t]], col='blue', ylab = 'posterior density')
points(model$data()$x_true[t], 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')

plot(table_pmmh_c[[t-1]], col='blue', ylab = 'posterior probability mass')
points(model$data()$c_true[t], 0, pch = 17, col = 'green')