Add a custom R function or distribution to the BUGS language.
In the current version, the custom distributions can only be used for unobserved nodes.
biips_add_function(name, n_param, fun_dim, fun_eval, fun_check_param = function(...) TRUE, fun_is_discrete = function(...) FALSE) biips_add_distribution(name, n_param, fun_dim, fun_sample, fun_check_param = function(...) TRUE, fun_is_discrete = function(...) FALSE)
name | string. Name of the custom function that will be used in the BUGS model. must be a valid BUGS language function name. |
n_param | integer. Number of arguments of the custom function or distribution. |
fun_dim | custom R function returning the size vector of the output. It will be called when compiling the model. Its arguments are the dimension vectors of the inputs. |
fun_eval | custom R function which evaluates the function. Its arguments are the parameters values. |
fun_check_param | custom R function which checks if the argument values are
valid. Its arguments are the parameters values. Returns a logical. (default
returns |
fun_is_discrete | custom R function returning a logical that is All the given R functions must have the same number of input arguments. |
fun_sample | custom R function which samples from the distribution. Its arguments are the parameters values. |
#' # Add custom functions and distributions to BUGS language #' Add custom function `f` f_dim <- function(x_dim, t_dim) { # Check dimensions of the input and return dimension of the output of function f stopifnot(prod(x_dim) == 1, prod(t_dim) == 1) x_dim } f_eval <- function(x, t) { # Evaluate function f 0.5 * x + 25 * x/(1 + x^2) + 8 * cos(1.2 * t) } biips_add_function('f', 2, f_dim, f_eval)#> * Added function f#' Add custom sampling distribution `dMN` dMN_dim <- function(mu_dim, Sig_dim) { # Check dimensions of the input and return dimension of the output of # distribution dMN stopifnot(prod(mu_dim) == mu_dim[1], length(Sig_dim) == 2, mu_dim[1] == Sig_dim) mu_dim } dMN_sample <- function(mu, Sig) { # Draw a sample of distribution dMN mu + t(chol(Sig)) %*% rnorm(length(mu)) } biips_add_distribution('dMN', 2, dMN_dim, dMN_sample)#> * Added distribution dMN#' # Compile model modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm_f.bug', package = 'rbiips') stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0) cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')#> var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax] #> #> data #> { #> x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c_true[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x_true[t] ~ dnorm(f(x_true[t-1], t-1), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true)) #> } #> } #> #> model #> { #> logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3) #> x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x[t] ~ dnorm(f(x[t-1], t-1), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau)) #> } #> }data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1), logtau = log(1)) model <- biips_model(modelfile, data, sample_data = TRUE)#> * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/Dropbox/workspace/rbiips/inst/extdata/hmm_f.bug #> * Compiling data graph #> Declaring variables #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph size: 94 #> Sampling data #> Reading data back into data table #> * Compiling model graph #> Declaring variables #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph size: 105