Create a biips model object described in BUGS language.

biips_model(file, data = parent.frame(), sample_data = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE, seed = get_seed())



string. path of the BUGS file which defines the stochastic model. Alternatively, file can be a readable text-mode connection, or a complete URL.


either a list or environment containing constants and observed values or a character vector containing names of variables existing in the workspace. Any numeric objects in data corresponding to node arrays used in file are taken to represent the values of observed nodes in the model.


logical. Toggle the evaluation of the 'data' block of the BUGS model that generates or transforms data. (default = TRUE).


logical. Deactivate verbosity. (default = FALSE).


int. RNG seed used for data generation if sample_data is true. Randomly generated by default.


An object of class biips which can be used to generate samples from the posterior distribution of the parameters.

An object of class biips is a list of functions that share a common environment. The functions can be used to query information on the model.


Get an external pointer to the compiled model object.


Get a string. filename of the BUGS model.


Get a named list of the original data of the model.


Get a character vector. BUGS language definition of the model.


Recompile the model using the original data set.

See also

biips_variable_names, biips_nodes, biips_print_dot, biips_add_function, biips_add_distribution


modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm.bug', package = 'rbiips') stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0) cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')
#> var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax] #> #> data #> { #> x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c_true[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x_true[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x_true[t-1]+25*x_true[t-1]/(1+x_true[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true)) #> } #> } #> #> model #> { #> logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3) #> x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x[t-1]+25*x[t-1]/(1+x[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau)) #> } #> }
data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1), logtau = log(1)) model <- biips_model(modelfile, data, sample_data = TRUE)
#> * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/Dropbox/workspace/rbiips/inst/extdata/hmm.bug #> * Compiling data graph #> Declaring variables #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph size: 169 #> Sampling data #> Reading data back into data table #> * Compiling model graph #> Declaring variables #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph size: 180
# NOT RUN { tmax <- 10 p <- c(.5, .5) logtau_true <- log(1) logtau <- logtau_true datanames <- c('tmax', 'p', 'logtau_true', 'logtau') model <- biips_model(modelfile, datanames, sample_data = TRUE) # }
#> [1] TRUE
#> Biips model: #> #> var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax] #> #> data #> { #> x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c_true[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x_true[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x_true[t-1]+25*x_true[t-1]/(1+x_true[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true)) #> } #> } #> #> model #> { #> logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3) #> x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x[t-1]+25*x[t-1]/(1+x[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau)) #> } #> } #> #> #> Fully observed variables: #> logtau logtau_true p tmax x_true y #> #> Partially observed variables: #> c_true
#> $c_true #> [1] NA 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 #> #> $logtau #> [1] 0 #> #> $logtau_true #> [1] 0 #> #> $p #> [1] 0.5 0.5 #> #> $tmax #> [1] 10 #> #> $x_true #> [1] 0.47533257 16.33434599 6.31949315 11.52958885 -13.37977857 #> [6] -13.15885327 -5.90507787 0.09503471 -12.36838766 3.72976906 #> #> $y #> [1] 1.90029184 5.68284522 1.92715909 5.08112951 -1.85787382 -3.12871458 #> [7] -0.25034406 0.05559467 -2.15270389 1.05645770 #>
#> [1] "c" "c_true" "logtau" "logtau_true" "p" #> [6] "tmax" "x" "x_true" "y"
#> [1] "c" "c_true" "logtau" "logtau_true" "p" #> [6] "tmax" "x" "x_true" "y"
#> id name type #> 1 0 c_true[2] const #> 2 1 c_true[3] const #> 3 2 c_true[4] const #> 4 3 c_true[5] const #> 5 4 c_true[6] const #> 6 5 c_true[7] const #> 7 6 c_true[8] const #> 8 7 c_true[9] const #> 9 8 c_true[10] const #> 10 9 logtau_true const #> 11 10 p const #> 12 11 tmax const #> 13 12 x_true const #> 14 13 3 const #> 15 14 (-3) logic #> 16 15 logtau stoch #> 17 21 (exp(logtau)) logic #> 18 16 0 const #> 19 17 1 const #> 20 55 (3-1) logic #> 21 18 5 const #> 22 19 (1/5) logic #> 23 87 (5-1) logic #> 24 20 x[1] stoch #> 25 22 y[1] stoch #> 26 23 c[2] stoch #> 27 39 (c[2]==1) logic #> 28 24 0.5 const #> 29 25 (0.5*x[1]) logic #> 30 26 25 const #> 31 27 (25*x[1]) logic #> 32 28 2 const #> 33 29 (x[1]^2) logic #> 34 30 (1+(x[1]^2)) logic #> 35 31 ((25*x[1])/(1+(x[1]^2))) logic #> 36 34 (2-1) logic #> 37 32 8 const #> 38 137 (8-1) logic #> 39 33 1.2 const #> 40 35 (1.2*(2-1)) logic #> 41 36 (cos((1.2*(2-1)))) logic #> 42 37 (8*(cos((1.2*(2-1))))) logic #> 43 38 ((0.5*x[1])+((25*x[1])/(1+(x[1]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(2-1)))))) logic #> 44 56 (1.2*(3-1)) logic #> 45 57 (cos((1.2*(3-1)))) logic #> 46 58 (8*(cos((1.2*(3-1))))) logic #> 47 88 (1.2*(5-1)) logic #> 48 89 (cos((1.2*(5-1)))) logic #> 49 90 (8*(cos((1.2*(5-1))))) logic #> 50 138 (1.2*(8-1)) logic #> 51 139 (cos((1.2*(8-1)))) logic #> 52 140 (8*(cos((1.2*(8-1))))) logic #> 53 40 10 const #> 54 41 (1/10) logic #> 55 170 (10-1) logic #> 56 171 (1.2*(10-1)) logic #> 57 172 (cos((1.2*(10-1)))) logic #> 58 173 (8*(cos((1.2*(10-1))))) logic #> 59 42 100 const #> 60 43 (1/100) logic #> 61 44 (ifelse((c[2]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 62 45 x[2] stoch #> 63 50 (0.5*x[2]) logic #> 64 51 (25*x[2]) logic #> 65 52 (x[2]^2) logic #> 66 53 (1+(x[2]^2)) logic #> 67 54 ((25*x[2])/(1+(x[2]^2))) logic #> 68 59 ((0.5*x[2])+((25*x[2])/(1+(x[2]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(3-1)))))) logic #> 69 46 4 const #> 70 47 (x[2]/4) logic #> 71 48 y[2] stoch #> 72 71 (4-1) logic #> 73 72 (1.2*(4-1)) logic #> 74 73 (cos((1.2*(4-1)))) logic #> 75 74 (8*(cos((1.2*(4-1))))) logic #> 76 49 c[3] stoch #> 77 60 (c[3]==1) logic #> 78 61 (ifelse((c[3]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 79 62 x[3] stoch #> 80 63 (x[3]/4) logic #> 81 64 y[3] stoch #> 82 66 (0.5*x[3]) logic #> 83 67 (25*x[3]) logic #> 84 68 (x[3]^2) logic #> 85 69 (1+(x[3]^2)) logic #> 86 70 ((25*x[3])/(1+(x[3]^2))) logic #> 87 75 ((0.5*x[3])+((25*x[3])/(1+(x[3]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(4-1)))))) logic #> 88 65 c[4] stoch #> 89 76 (c[4]==1) logic #> 90 77 (ifelse((c[4]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 91 78 x[4] stoch #> 92 79 (x[4]/4) logic #> 93 80 y[4] stoch #> 94 82 (0.5*x[4]) logic #> 95 83 (25*x[4]) logic #> 96 84 (x[4]^2) logic #> 97 85 (1+(x[4]^2)) logic #> 98 86 ((25*x[4])/(1+(x[4]^2))) logic #> 99 91 ((0.5*x[4])+((25*x[4])/(1+(x[4]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(5-1)))))) logic #> 100 81 c[5] stoch #> 101 92 (c[5]==1) logic #> 102 93 (ifelse((c[5]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 103 94 x[5] stoch #> 104 95 (x[5]/4) logic #> 105 96 y[5] stoch #> 106 98 (0.5*x[5]) logic #> 107 99 (25*x[5]) logic #> 108 100 (x[5]^2) logic #> 109 101 (1+(x[5]^2)) logic #> 110 102 ((25*x[5])/(1+(x[5]^2))) logic #> 111 97 c[6] stoch #> 112 109 (c[6]==1) logic #> 113 110 (ifelse((c[6]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 114 103 6 const #> 115 104 (6-1) logic #> 116 105 (1.2*(6-1)) logic #> 117 106 (cos((1.2*(6-1)))) logic #> 118 107 (8*(cos((1.2*(6-1))))) logic #> 119 108 ((0.5*x[5])+((25*x[5])/(1+(x[5]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(6-1)))))) logic #> 120 111 x[6] stoch #> 121 112 (x[6]/4) logic #> 122 113 y[6] stoch #> 123 115 (0.5*x[6]) logic #> 124 116 (25*x[6]) logic #> 125 117 (x[6]^2) logic #> 126 118 (1+(x[6]^2)) logic #> 127 119 ((25*x[6])/(1+(x[6]^2))) logic #> 128 114 c[7] stoch #> 129 126 (c[7]==1) logic #> 130 127 (ifelse((c[7]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 131 120 7 const #> 132 121 (7-1) logic #> 133 122 (1.2*(7-1)) logic #> 134 123 (cos((1.2*(7-1)))) logic #> 135 124 (8*(cos((1.2*(7-1))))) logic #> 136 125 ((0.5*x[6])+((25*x[6])/(1+(x[6]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(7-1)))))) logic #> 137 128 x[7] stoch #> 138 129 (x[7]/4) logic #> 139 130 y[7] stoch #> 140 132 (0.5*x[7]) logic #> 141 133 (25*x[7]) logic #> 142 134 (x[7]^2) logic #> 143 135 (1+(x[7]^2)) logic #> 144 136 ((25*x[7])/(1+(x[7]^2))) logic #> 145 141 ((0.5*x[7])+((25*x[7])/(1+(x[7]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(8-1)))))) logic #> 146 131 c[8] stoch #> 147 142 (c[8]==1) logic #> 148 143 (ifelse((c[8]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 149 144 x[8] stoch #> 150 145 (x[8]/4) logic #> 151 146 y[8] stoch #> 152 148 (0.5*x[8]) logic #> 153 149 (25*x[8]) logic #> 154 150 (x[8]^2) logic #> 155 151 (1+(x[8]^2)) logic #> 156 152 ((25*x[8])/(1+(x[8]^2))) logic #> 157 147 c[9] stoch #> 158 159 (c[9]==1) logic #> 159 160 (ifelse((c[9]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 160 153 9 const #> 161 154 (9-1) logic #> 162 155 (1.2*(9-1)) logic #> 163 156 (cos((1.2*(9-1)))) logic #> 164 157 (8*(cos((1.2*(9-1))))) logic #> 165 158 ((0.5*x[8])+((25*x[8])/(1+(x[8]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(9-1)))))) logic #> 166 161 x[9] stoch #> 167 162 (x[9]/4) logic #> 168 163 y[9] stoch #> 169 165 (0.5*x[9]) logic #> 170 166 (25*x[9]) logic #> 171 167 (x[9]^2) logic #> 172 168 (1+(x[9]^2)) logic #> 173 169 ((25*x[9])/(1+(x[9]^2))) logic #> 174 174 ((0.5*x[9])+((25*x[9])/(1+(x[9]^2)))+(8*(cos((1.2*(10-1)))))) logic #> 175 164 c[10] stoch #> 176 175 (c[10]==1) logic #> 177 176 (ifelse((c[10]==1),(1/10),(1/100))) logic #> 178 177 x[10] stoch #> 179 178 (x[10]/4) logic #> 180 179 y[10] stoch #> observed discrete #> 1 TRUE TRUE #> 2 TRUE TRUE #> 3 TRUE TRUE #> 4 TRUE TRUE #> 5 TRUE TRUE #> 6 TRUE TRUE #> 7 TRUE TRUE #> 8 TRUE TRUE #> 9 TRUE TRUE #> 10 TRUE TRUE #> 11 TRUE FALSE #> 12 TRUE TRUE #> 13 TRUE FALSE #> 14 TRUE TRUE #> 15 TRUE TRUE #> 16 TRUE FALSE #> 17 TRUE FALSE #> 18 TRUE TRUE #> 19 TRUE TRUE #> 20 TRUE TRUE #> 21 TRUE TRUE #> 22 TRUE FALSE #> 23 TRUE TRUE #> 24 FALSE FALSE #> 25 TRUE FALSE #> 26 FALSE TRUE #> 27 FALSE TRUE #> 28 TRUE FALSE #> 29 FALSE FALSE #> 30 TRUE TRUE #> 31 FALSE FALSE #> 32 TRUE TRUE #> 33 FALSE FALSE #> 34 FALSE FALSE #> 35 FALSE FALSE #> 36 TRUE TRUE #> 37 TRUE TRUE #> 38 TRUE TRUE #> 39 TRUE FALSE #> 40 TRUE FALSE #> 41 TRUE FALSE #> 42 TRUE FALSE #> 43 FALSE FALSE #> 44 TRUE FALSE #> 45 TRUE FALSE #> 46 TRUE FALSE #> 47 TRUE FALSE #> 48 TRUE FALSE #> 49 TRUE FALSE #> 50 TRUE FALSE #> 51 TRUE FALSE #> 52 TRUE FALSE #> 53 TRUE TRUE #> 54 TRUE FALSE #> 55 TRUE TRUE #> 56 TRUE FALSE #> 57 TRUE FALSE #> 58 TRUE FALSE #> 59 TRUE TRUE #> 60 TRUE FALSE #> 61 FALSE FALSE #> 62 FALSE FALSE #> 63 FALSE FALSE #> 64 FALSE FALSE #> 65 FALSE FALSE #> 66 FALSE FALSE #> 67 FALSE FALSE #> 68 FALSE FALSE #> 69 TRUE TRUE #> 70 FALSE FALSE #> 71 TRUE FALSE #> 72 TRUE TRUE #> 73 TRUE FALSE #> 74 TRUE FALSE #> 75 TRUE FALSE #> 76 FALSE TRUE #> 77 FALSE TRUE #> 78 FALSE FALSE #> 79 FALSE FALSE #> 80 FALSE FALSE #> 81 TRUE FALSE #> 82 FALSE FALSE #> 83 FALSE FALSE #> 84 FALSE FALSE #> 85 FALSE FALSE #> 86 FALSE FALSE #> 87 FALSE FALSE #> 88 FALSE TRUE #> 89 FALSE TRUE #> 90 FALSE FALSE #> 91 FALSE FALSE #> 92 FALSE FALSE #> 93 TRUE FALSE #> 94 FALSE FALSE #> 95 FALSE FALSE #> 96 FALSE FALSE #> 97 FALSE FALSE #> 98 FALSE FALSE #> 99 FALSE FALSE #> 100 FALSE TRUE #> 101 FALSE TRUE #> 102 FALSE FALSE #> 103 FALSE FALSE #> 104 FALSE FALSE #> 105 TRUE FALSE #> 106 FALSE FALSE #> 107 FALSE FALSE #> 108 FALSE FALSE #> 109 FALSE FALSE #> 110 FALSE FALSE #> 111 FALSE TRUE #> 112 FALSE TRUE #> 113 FALSE FALSE #> 114 TRUE TRUE #> 115 TRUE TRUE #> 116 TRUE FALSE #> 117 TRUE FALSE #> 118 TRUE FALSE #> 119 FALSE FALSE #> 120 FALSE FALSE #> 121 FALSE FALSE #> 122 TRUE FALSE #> 123 FALSE FALSE #> 124 FALSE FALSE #> 125 FALSE FALSE #> 126 FALSE FALSE #> 127 FALSE FALSE #> 128 FALSE TRUE #> 129 FALSE TRUE #> 130 FALSE FALSE #> 131 TRUE TRUE #> 132 TRUE TRUE #> 133 TRUE FALSE #> 134 TRUE FALSE #> 135 TRUE FALSE #> 136 FALSE FALSE #> 137 FALSE FALSE #> 138 FALSE FALSE #> 139 TRUE FALSE #> 140 FALSE FALSE #> 141 FALSE FALSE #> 142 FALSE FALSE #> 143 FALSE FALSE #> 144 FALSE FALSE #> 145 FALSE FALSE #> 146 FALSE TRUE #> 147 FALSE TRUE #> 148 FALSE FALSE #> 149 FALSE FALSE #> 150 FALSE FALSE #> 151 TRUE FALSE #> 152 FALSE FALSE #> 153 FALSE FALSE #> 154 FALSE FALSE #> 155 FALSE FALSE #> 156 FALSE FALSE #> 157 FALSE TRUE #> 158 FALSE TRUE #> 159 FALSE FALSE #> 160 TRUE TRUE #> 161 TRUE TRUE #> 162 TRUE FALSE #> 163 TRUE FALSE #> 164 TRUE FALSE #> 165 FALSE FALSE #> 166 FALSE FALSE #> 167 FALSE FALSE #> 168 TRUE FALSE #> 169 FALSE FALSE #> 170 FALSE FALSE #> 171 FALSE FALSE #> 172 FALSE FALSE #> 173 FALSE FALSE #> 174 FALSE FALSE #> 175 FALSE TRUE #> 176 FALSE TRUE #> 177 FALSE FALSE #> 178 FALSE FALSE #> 179 FALSE FALSE #> 180 TRUE FALSE
# NOT RUN { dotfile <- '' biips_print_dot(model, dotfile) cat(readLines(dotfile), sep = '\n') # }