The function biips_pmmh_init initializes the Particle Marginal Metropolis-Hastings (PMMH) algorithm.

The PMMH algorithm is a particle MCMC algorithm using SMC within a MCMC algorithm. It splits the variables in the graphical model into two sets:

  • The parameters in param_names are sampled with a MH proposal (multivariate Gaussian random walk). They must be continuous and must be defined as single stochastic nodes in the model.

  • The other latent variables are sampled using a SMC algorithm. They can be monitored using the latent_names parameter.

biips_pmmh_init(model, param_names, latent_names = c(), inits = list(),
  rw_step = list(), transform = TRUE, n_rescale = 400, alpha = 0.99,
  beta = 0.05)



biips model object as returned by biips_model.


character vector. The names of the variables updated with MH proposal. The names can contain subset indices which must define a valid subset of the variables of the model, e.g.: c('var1', 'var2[1]', 'var3[1:10]', 'var4[1, 5:10, 3]').


character vector. The names of the variables to be updated with SMC proposal that need to be monitored.


list of numeric values. Initial values for the parameters in param_names. (default = samples from the prior distribution). inits can either be a named list with no unnamed member or an unnamed list of the same length as param_names.


list of numeric values. Random walk standard deviations. rw_step can either be a named list with no unnamed member or an unnamed list of the same length as param_names. If transform is TRUE (default), the given standard deviations apply to the transformed variables. Set transform to FALSE if you wish to set the random walk standard deviation for the untransformed random variables.


logical. Activate automatic parameters transformation (default = TRUE). Transformations apply independently to each component of the parameters depending on their support:

  • unbounded (-\(\infty\), +\(\infty\)): f(x) = x

  • lower bounded [L, +\(\infty\)): f(x) = log(x-L)

  • upper bounded (-\(\infty\), U]: f(x) = log(U-x)

  • lower-upper bounded [L, U]: f(x) = log((x-L)/(U-x))

so that we apply a random walk on the real-valued transformed vector.


integer. Number of iterations for rescaling (default = 400).


real in [0,1]. Tuning parameter of the rescaling (default = 0.99).


real in [0,1]. Tuning parameter of the proposal (default = 0.05).


The function biips_pmmh_init returns an object of class pmmh which can be used to generate samples from the posterior distribution of the monitored variables in param_names and latent_names.

An object of class pmmh is a list of functions that share a common environment. These functions are meant for internal purpose only. They are used to query information on the current state of the algorithm.


Get the biips model object.


Get a character vector with the names of the monitored parameters.


Get a character vector with the names of the monitored latents.


Get and set the current sample value of the parameters.


Get and set the current sample value of the transfromed parameters.


Get and set the current sample value of the latents.


Get and set the current value of the log prior of the parameters.


Get and set the current value of the log marginal likelihood.


Get and set the current curent number of iterations.


Get the nb of iterations for rescaling.


Get the dimensions of the parameters.


Get the total length of the parameters.


Get the random walk standard deviations for the rescaling.


Get the empirical covariance matrix of the samples.


Get the tuning parameter of the rescaling.


Get the tuning parameter of the proposal.

rw_transform(sample, funtype = 'transform')

Applies transformation function defined by the funtype string argument. Possible values are 'transform' (direct transformation), 'inverse' (inverse transformation) and 'lderiv' (log derivative of the transformation).


rescales the random walk step to target an optimal acceptance rate.


update the empirical covariance matrix of the samples.

See also

biips_model, biips_pmmh_update, biips_pmmh_samples


modelfile <- system.file('extdata', 'hmm.bug', package = 'rbiips') stopifnot(nchar(modelfile) > 0) cat(readLines(modelfile), sep = '\n')
#> var c_true[tmax], x_true[tmax], c[tmax], x[tmax], y[tmax] #> #> data #> { #> x_true[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x_true[1], exp(logtau_true)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c_true[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x_true[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x_true[t-1]+25*x_true[t-1]/(1+x_true[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c_true[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x_true[t]/4, exp(logtau_true)) #> } #> } #> #> model #> { #> logtau ~ dunif(-3, 3) #> x[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/5) #> y[1] ~ dnorm(x[1], exp(logtau)) #> for (t in 2:tmax) #> { #> c[t] ~ dcat(p) #> x[t] ~ dnorm(0.5*x[t-1]+25*x[t-1]/(1+x[t-1]^2)+8*cos(1.2*(t-1)), ifelse(c[t]==1, 1/10, 1/100)) #> y[t] ~ dnorm(x[t]/4, exp(logtau)) #> } #> }
data <- list(tmax = 10, p = c(.5, .5), logtau_true = log(1)) model <- biips_model(modelfile, data)
#> * Parsing model in: /home/adrien/Dropbox/workspace/rbiips/inst/extdata/hmm.bug #> * Compiling data graph #> Declaring variables #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph size: 168 #> Sampling data #> Reading data back into data table #> * Compiling model graph #> Declaring variables #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph size: 180
n_part <- 50 obj_pmmh <- biips_pmmh_init(model, 'logtau', latent_names = c('x', 'c[2:10]'), inits = list(logtau = -2)) # Initialize
#> * Initializing PMMH
#> [1] TRUE
out_pmmh_burn <- biips_pmmh_update(obj_pmmh, 100, n_part) # Burn-in
#> * Adapting PMMH with 50 particles #> |--------------------------------------------------| 100% #> |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 100 iterations in 0.34 s
out_pmmh <- biips_pmmh_samples(obj_pmmh, 100, n_part, thin = 1) # Samples
#> * Generating 100 PMMH samples with 50 particles #> |--------------------------------------------------| 100% #> |**************************************************| 100 iterations in 0.27 s