What is Biips?
Biips is a general software for Bayesian inference with interacting particle systems, a.k.a. sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods. It aims at popularizing the use of these methods to non-statistician researchers and students, thanks to its automated “black box” inference engine.
It borrows from the BUGS/JAGS software, widely used in Bayesian statistics, the statistical modeling with graphical models and the language associated with their descriptions.
- BUGS language compiler adapted from JAGS
- SMC techniques for filtering and smoothing
- Static parameter estimation using particle MCMC
- Core developped in C++
- R, Matlab/Octave interfaces
- Easy language extensions with custom R and Matlab functions
- Multi-platform: Linux, Windows, Mac
- Free and open source (GPL)
Download the latest version
BAYES 2015
Biips paper available on arXiv
Biips v0.10.0 released
Probabilistic Programming Reading Group at the University of Oxford
Fifth IMS-ISBA joint meeting MCMSki IV
Workshop Sequential Monte Carlo methods and Efficient simulation in Finance
Rencontres R 2012 Bordeaux
ISBA 2012 World Meeting
BayesComp 2012
Rencontres Inria Industries Finance