In this example, we consider the Markov switching stochastic volatility model with parameter estimation.
Reference: C.M. Carvalho and H.F. Lopes. Simulation-based sequential analysis of Markov switching stochastic volatility models. Computational Statistics and Data analysis (2007) 4526-4542.
Let \(y_t\) be the response variable and \(x_t\) the unobserved log-volatility of \(y_t\). The stochastic volatility model is defined as follows for \(t\leq t_{max}\)
\[x_t|(x_{t-1},\alpha,\phi,\sigma,c_t) \sim \mathcal N (\alpha_{c_t} + \phi x_{t-1} , \sigma^2)\]
\[ y_t|x_t \sim \mathcal N (0, \exp(x_t)) \]
The regime variables \(c_t\) follow a two-state Markov process with transition probabilities
We assume the following priors over the parameters $$, $$, $$ and \(p\):
\[ \alpha_1=\gamma_1\]
\[\alpha_2 = \gamma_1+\gamma_2\]
\[\gamma_1 \sim \mathcal N(0,100)\]
\[\gamma_2 \sim \mathcal {TN}_{(0,\infty)}(0,100)\]
\[\phi \sim \mathcal {TN}_{(-1,1)}(0,100) \]
\[\sigma^2 \sim invGamma(2.001,1) \]
\[\pi_{11} \sim Beta(10,1)\]
\[\pi_{22} \sim Beta(10,1)\]
\(\mathcal N(m,\sigma^2)\) denotes the normal distribution of mean \(m\) and variance \(\sigma^2\). \(\mathcal {TN}_{(a,b)}(m,\sigma^2)\) denotes the truncated normal distribution of mean \(m\) and variance \(\sigma^2\).
Content of the file 'switch_stoch_volatility_param.bug'
model_file = 'switch_stoch_volatility_param.bug' # BUGS model filename
cat(readLines(model_file), sep = "\n")
# Switching Stochastic Volatility Model
# Reference: C.M. Carvalho and H.F. Lopes. Simulation-based sequential analysis of Markov switching
# stochastic volatility models. Computational Statistics and Data analysis (2007) 4526-4542.
var y[t_max],x[t_max],prec_y[t_max],mu[t_max],mu_true[t_max],alpha[2],gamma[2],c[t_max],c_true[t_max],pi[2,2]
c_true[1] ~ dcat(pi_true[1,])
mu_true[1] <- alpha_true[1] * (c_true[1]==1) + alpha_true[2]*(c_true[1]==2)
x_true[1] ~ dnorm(mu_true[1], 1/sigma_true^2) T(-500,500)
prec_y_true[1] <- exp(-x_true[1])
y[1] ~ dnorm(0, prec_y_true[1])
for (t in 2:t_max)
c_true[t] ~ dcat(ifelse(c_true[t-1]==1,pi_true[1,],pi_true[2,]))
mu_true[t] <- alpha_true[1] * (c_true[t]==1) + alpha_true[2] * (c_true[t]==2) + phi_true * x_true[t-1];
x_true[t] ~ dnorm(mu_true[t], 1/sigma_true^2) T(-500,500)
prec_y_true[t] <- exp(-x_true[t])
y[t] ~ dnorm(0, prec_y_true[t])
gamma[1] ~ dnorm(0, 1/100)
gamma[2] ~ dnorm(0, 1/100) T(0,)
alpha[1] <- gamma[1]
alpha[2] <- gamma[1] + gamma[2]
phi ~ dnorm(0, 1/100) T(-1,1)
tau ~ dgamma(2.001, 1)
sigma <- 1/sqrt(tau)
pi[1,1] ~ dbeta(10, 1)
pi[1,2] <- 1 - pi[1,1]
pi[2,2] ~ dbeta(10, 1)
pi[2,1] <- 1 - pi[2,2]
c[1] ~ dcat(pi[1,])
mu[1] <- alpha[1] * (c[1]==1) + alpha[2] * (c[1]==2)
x[1] ~ dnorm(mu[1], 1/sigma^2) T(-500,500)
prec_y[1] <- exp(-x[1])
y[1] ~ dnorm(0, prec_y[1])
for (t in 2:t_max)
c[t] ~ dcat(ifelse(c[t-1]==1, pi[1,], pi[2,]))
mu[t] <- alpha[1] * (c[t]==1) + alpha[2] * (c[t]==2) + phi * x[t-1]
x[t] ~ dnorm(mu[t], 1/sigma^2) T(-500,500)
prec_y[t] <- exp(-x[t])
y[t] ~ dnorm(0, prec_y[t])
light_blue = rgb(.7, .7, 1)
light_red = rgb(1, .7, .7)
light_green = rgb(.7, 1, .7)
light_gray = rgb(.9, .9, .9)
Set the random numbers generator seed for reproducibility
sample_data = TRUE # Simulated data or SP500 data
t_max = 100
if (!sample_data) {
# Load the data
tab = read.csv('SP500.csv', sep = ";")
y = diff(log(rev(tab$Close)))
SP500_date_str = rev(tab$Date[-1])
ind = 1:t_max
y = y[ind]
SP500_date_str = SP500_date_str[ind]
SP500_date_num = as.Date(SP500_date_str)
if (!sample_data) {
data = list(t_max=t_max, y=y)
} else {
sigma_true = .4; alpha_true = c(-2.5, -1); phi_true = .5
pi11 = .9; pi22 = .9
pi_true = matrix(c(pi11, 1-pi11, 1-pi22, pi22), nrow = 2, byrow=TRUE)
data = list(t_max=t_max, sigma_true=sigma_true,
alpha_true=alpha_true, phi_true=phi_true, pi_true=pi_true)
model = biips_model(model_file, data, sample_data=sample_data)
* Parsing model in: switch_stoch_volatility_param.bug
* Compiling data graph
Declaring variables
Resolving undeclared variables
Allocating nodes
Graph size: 1214
Sampling data
Reading data back into data table
* Compiling model graph
Declaring variables
Resolving undeclared variables
Allocating nodes
Graph size: 1232
data = model$data()
Plot the data
if (sample_data) {
plot(1:t_max, data$y, type='l', col='blue', lwd=2,
main='Observed data',
xlab='Time', ylab='Log-return', xaxt = 'n')
} else {
plot(SP500_date_num, data$y, type='l', col='blue', lwd=2,
main='Observed data: S&P 500',
xlab='Date', ylab='Log-return', xaxt = 'n')
axis.Date(1, SP500_date_num, format="%Y-%m-%d")
We now use Biips to run a Particle Marginal Metropolis-Hastings in order to obtain posterior MCMC samples of the parameters \(\alpha\), \(\phi\), \(\sigma\), \(\pi\), and of the variables \(x\). Note: We use below a reduced number of MCMC iterations to have reasonable running times. But the obtained samples are obviously very correlated, and the number of iterations should be set to a higher value, and proper convergence tests should be used.
n_burn = 2000 # nb of burn-in/adaptation iterations
n_iter = 40000 # nb of iterations after burn-in
thin = 10 # thinning of MCMC outputs
n_part = 50 # nb of particles for the SMC
param_names = c('gamma[1]', 'gamma[2]', 'phi', 'tau', 'pi[1,1]', 'pi[2,2]') # names of the variables updated with MCMC (others are updated with SMC)
latent_names = c('x', 'c', 'alpha[1]', 'alpha[2]', 'sigma') # names of the variables updated with SMC and that need to be monitored
inits = list(-1, 1, .5, 10, .8, .8)
obj_pmmh = biips_pmmh_init(model, param_names, inits=inits,
latent_names=latent_names) # creates a pmmh object
* Initializing PMMH
biips_pmmh_update(obj_pmmh, n_burn, n_part) # adaptation and burn-in iterations
* Adapting PMMH with 50 particles
|--------------------------------------------------| 100%
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| 2000 iterations in 116.00 s
out_pmmh = biips_pmmh_samples(obj_pmmh, n_iter, n_part, thin=thin) # samples
* Generating 4000 PMMH samples with 50 particles
|--------------------------------------------------| 100%
|**************************************************| 40000 iterations in 2308.50 s
summ_pmmh = biips_summary(out_pmmh, probs=c(.025, .975))
kde_pmmh = biips_density(out_pmmh)
table_c = biips_table(out_pmmh$c)
param_plot = c('alpha[1]', 'alpha[2]', 'phi', 'sigma', 'pi[1,1]', 'pi[2,2]')
param_lab = expression(alpha[1], alpha[2], phi, sigma, pi[11], pi[22])
if (sample_data)
param_true = c(alpha_true, phi_true, sigma_true, pi11, pi22)
for (k in 1:length(param_plot)) {
summ_param = summ_pmmh[[param_plot[k]]]
cat('Posterior mean of ', param_plot[k], ': ', summ_param$mean, '\n', sep='');
cat('95% credible interval of ', param_plot[k], ': [', summ_param$quant[[1]], ', ', summ_param$quant[[2]],']\n', sep='')
Posterior mean of alpha[1]: -3.090382
95% credible interval of alpha[1]: [-5.729467, -0.9685816]
Posterior mean of alpha[2]: -1.987657
95% credible interval of alpha[2]: [-3.794026, -0.5621027]
Posterior mean of phi: 0.3406914
95% credible interval of phi: [-0.2337939, 0.7725778]
Posterior mean of sigma: 0.8450992
95% credible interval of sigma: [0.532169, 1.203331]
Posterior mean of pi[1,1]: 0.8802618
95% credible interval of pi[1,1]: [0.6857646, 0.9970641]
Posterior mean of pi[2,2]: 0.9231584
95% credible interval of pi[2,2]: [0.748389, 0.9945914]
for (k in 1:length(param_plot)) {
samples_param = out_pmmh[[param_plot[k]]]
plot(samples_param[1,], type='l', col='blue', lwd=1,
xlab='Iteration', ylab=param_lab[k],
if (sample_data)
points(0, param_true[k], col='green', pch=8, lwd=2)
for (k in 1:length(param_plot)) {
samples_param = out_pmmh[[param_plot[k]]]
hist(samples_param, breaks=15, col='blue', border='white',
xlab=param_lab[k], ylab='Number of samples',
if (sample_data)
points(param_true[k], 0, col='green', pch=8, lwd=2)
for (k in 1:length(param_plot)) {
kde_param = kde_pmmh[[param_plot[k]]]
plot(kde_param, col='blue', lwd=2,
xlab=param_lab[k], ylab='Posterior density',
if (sample_data)
points(param_true[k], 0, col='green', pch=8, lwd=2)
prob_c2 = rep(0, t_max)
plot(1:t_max, rep(1, t_max), type='n', ylim=c(0,1),
xlab='Time', ylab='Posterior probability')
for (t in 1:t_max) {
if (data$c_true[t]==2)
polygon(c(t-1,t,t,t-1), c(0,0,1,1), col=light_green, border=NA)
ind = which(names(table_c[[t]]) == 2)
if (length(ind)==0)
prob_c2[t] = 1-sum(table_c[[t]])
prob_c2[t] = table_c[[t]][ind]
lines(1:t_max, prob_c2, col='red', lwd=2)
legend('topleft', leg=expression(paste('True ', c[t]==2, ' intervals'), paste('PMMH estimate of ', Pr(c[t]==2))),
col=c(light_green, 'red'), lwd=c(NA,3), pch=c(15,NA), pt.cex=c(2,1),
box.col=light_gray, inset=.01)
x_pmmh_mean = summ_pmmh$x$mean
x_pmmh_quant = summ_pmmh$x$quant
xx = c(1:t_max, t_max:1)
yy = c(x_pmmh_quant[[1]], rev(x_pmmh_quant[[2]]))
plot(xx, yy, type='n', xlab='Time', ylab='Log-volatility')
polygon(xx, yy, col=light_blue, border=NA)
lines(1:t_max, x_pmmh_mean, col='blue', lwd=3)
if (sample_data) {
lines(1:t_max, data$x_true, col='green', lwd=2)
legend('topright', leg=c('95% credible interval', 'PMMH mean estimate', 'True value'),
col=c(light_blue,'blue','green'), lwd=c(NA,3,2), pch=c(15,NA,NA), pt.cex=c(2,1,1),
} else
legend('topright', leg=c('95% credible interval', 'PMMH mean estimate'),
col=c(light_blue,'blue'), lwd=c(NA,3), pch=c(15,NA), pt.cex=c(2,1),
time_index = c(5, 10, 15)
for (k in 1:length(time_index)) {
tk = time_index[k]
plot(c(out_pmmh$x[tk,]), col='blue', type='l',
main=paste('t=', tk, sep=''))
if (sample_data)
points(0, data$x_true[tk], col='green', pch=8, lwd=2)
if (sample_data) {
plot(0, type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="")
legend('center', leg=c('PMMH samples', 'True value'),
col=c('blue', 'green'), pch=c(NA,8), lty=c(1,NA), lwd=c(1,2),
for (k in 1:length(time_index)) {
tk = time_index[k]
hist(out_pmmh$x[tk,], breaks=30, col='blue', border='white',
ylab='Number of samples',
main=paste('t=', tk, sep=''))
if (sample_data)
points(data$x_true[tk], 0, col='green', pch=8, lwd=2)
if (sample_data) {
plot(0, type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="")
legend('center', leg=c('Posterior samples', 'True value'),
col=c('blue', 'green'), pch=c(22,8), lwd=c(1,2), lty=NA, pt.cex=c(2,1),,NA),
for (k in 1:length(time_index)) {
tk = time_index[k]
plot(kde_pmmh$x[[tk]], col='blue', lwd=2,
ylab='Posterior density',
main=paste('t=', tk, sep=''))
if (sample_data)
points(data$x_true[tk], 0, col='green', pch=8, lwd=2)
if (sample_data) {
plot(0, type='n', bty='n', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', xlab="", ylab="")
legend('center', leg=c('Posterior density', 'True value'),
col=c('blue', 'green'), pch=c(NA,8), lwd=2, lty=c(1,NA), pt.cex=c(2,1),,NA),